Friday, November 27, 2015

Our Father

Being raised Catholic, I have a special love for the "Our Father" as we commonly called it. Here is my thoughts as I pray it daily. OUR FATHER. Oh how grateful I am to be your child. Thank you for this amazing honor. WHO ART IN HEAVEN. I am so looking forward to the day I see You in heaven. My physical body grew for 9 months to this life, my spiritual body is growing for my next life in heaven. HALLOWED BE THY NAME. May I make Your Name Holy and Praised as You are above all. THY KINGDOM COME. Oh Lord, as I walk this day let everything I say and do spread your kingdom. THY WILL BE DONE. This day Lord, I want nothing but to do Your will. ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. In heaven, we will be loving You and others, the greatest commandment, so let me love with Your love. GIVE ME THIS DAY MY DAILY BREAD. Thank You all my needs are met today so I can live in faith. AND FORGIVE ME MY TRESPASSES. Please forgive my failings and teach me to walk in your way. AS I FORGIVE THOSES WHO TRESPASS AGAINST ME. I forgive everyone 70 times 7. AND LEAD ME NOT INTO TEMPTATION. Lord, lead me by Your Holy Spirit. AND DELIVER ME FROM EVIL. Thank You for your care and protection each day. AMEN. So be it!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Take Up My Cross

I watched short video by Beth Moore about her book "Audacious." She stated, " What is Your Dream, What is Your Vision For the Future?" She said, this is nothing new. She encouraged women to write it down. If I could have anything I want to be "Drenched, soaked, filled,totally in love with Jesus." By saying this, I am scared. This means dying to ME! I am so drenched, soaked filled and totally in love with myself this scares the crap out of me!!! Being a servant goes against everything our world has ever taught me. I think it is scary, because of the old line, be careful what you pray for!!! ““If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:37-39‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16:24-26‬ ‭NLT‬‬ BOTH OF THESE PASSAGES SAY: TAKE UP YOUR CROSS!!!!! This is not a pretty analogy!!! Christianity, being a Christ Follower is the hardest life you will ever live. I think many churches preach a vanilla version because most people do not count the cost. Have I counted the cost?????

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I loved this twist in thinking this devotional shared below. Kingdom language is always opposite. I have recently been grappling with this idea of being poor in spirit. The idea is so UNAMERICAN. We think we have to have it together, be confident, be happy, yet Jesus says blessed are the poor in spirit. Those red letter words in the Bible are still challenging me big time. I still am so far from being where I need to be. In a way it encourages me and at the same time I wonder will I ever get it. Dear Jesus, I pray to be filled with your Spirit. If filled with Your Spirit, we are poor in our spirit, empty of self.... Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: "LifeWay Christian Stores" Date: October 18, 2015 at 10:32:59 PM CDT To: Subject: Nourish With Kyle Idleman: Your Weekly Devotional Reply-To: "LifeWay Christian Stores" Blessed Are the Broke Jesus’s best-known lesson is the Sermon on the Mount. He is in the midst of bringing God’s kingdom to earth, and such things make people uncomfortable. This stuff runs counter to the ways people think. It says up is down and trash is treasure. He begins to introduce us to the great kingdom paradox: at the end of me, I find real life in him. Matthew 5:1 tells us that Jesus sees the crowds, climbs a mountain, and sits down to teach. If you’re like me, you tend to skip over that scene-setting stuff to get to the red-letter words in your Bible—the actual sayings of Jesus. But let’s look a little deeper. We find that if Jesus climbed a mountain, this is probably happening just above the Sea of Galilee. There were revolutionaries in those times, and a lot of them laid low in those mountains, avoiding arrest. So this makes sense. Jesus is another revolutionary who has come up the mountainside. He is saying, “Down with the kingdom of this world and up with the kingdom of God.” And the new kingdom has new rules, many of which are just the reverse of the old ways. Jesus launches his sermon with a list of very striking paradoxes. Some of his statements sound ridiculous at first blush but start to make sense once you think a little deeper and compare your personal experience. For example, his first statement promises the ultimate reward to the least likely people: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 5:3) First four words: “Blessed are the poor.” You might be thinking, Yes! I win, because I am poor. Then you stop to think about it. Maybe Jesus misspoke—surely it should be “Blessed are the rich.” Because if you say to a rich person, “Hey, you have a beautiful mansion here,” what does he say? “Yes, I know. I’m so rich.” Nope. I bet he says, “Thank you. I’m so blessed.” And yes, I see the words in spirit, and I realize Jesus isn’t talking about money for the most part. But the point remains. We think of a blessed life as one that ends up with plenty of money, not plenty of poverty. Add on the fact that Jesus uses a word for "poor" here that translates to "destitute" or "bankrupt." Blessed are those who are bankrupt in spirit. Really the word we use is broke. Blessed are you when you're so broke you have nothing to offer. If you think much about it, this is a shocking statement. Jesus is saying that God's kingdom begins in you when you come to the end of yourself and realize you have nothing to offer. Flat broke. Busted. How does that guy act? Not as if he's got the world on a string, all the answers neatly compiled. His spirits are in the gutter. And Jesus praises that here. That guy down in the dumps—he wins. Yet the conventional wisdom of pretty much everywhere tells us to radiate self-confidence, self-sufficiency. In short, rich in spirit and in everything else to boot. Jesus says the kingdom begins with taking inventory and coming up with zero. We have nothing to offer, and that means we're making progress. Getting to the end of me is not an easy journey, but Jesus said in Luke 9 that whoever wants to hang on to his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will find it. He said a lot of seemingly upside-down things like that. I've come to realize that if me gets his way, I'll miss out on the real life I'm meant to live. The life in which I love others and make a difference in the world. Isn't that the life you really want too? Excerpted from The End of Me by Kyle Idleman ©2015. David C. Cook. Used by permission. Share a morsel with your friends Blog Catalog App Gift Cards CONTACT: 1.800.448.8032 or email us. This email was sent to ` ` because you are subscribed to the List. Replies to this newsletter are not monitored. Click here to modify your subscriptions. To unsubscribe from ALL LifeWay emails click here. Feel free to forward this email to a friend. LifeWay Christian Resources protects your privacy and will never make your email address available to anyone else. © 2015 LifeWay Christian Resources, 1 LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Achy Breaky Back

Not sure what I did but starting Thursday at the Global Orphan Grid conference, but my back is aching to the point I am very limited in what I can do. I drove back from the conference and thought, I will turn on my heated seats to make my back feel better!!!!! WRONG!!!!! I was stuck in my car in the garage. My phone was dead (it isn't keeping a charge) and I couldn't get out without excruciating pain. I just slowly inched my way out of the car and came in and laid down on the couch. Again, not a good move. I couldn't get out of the couch. I am glad my husband was home because I asked him to put out his arm so I could pull myself up at my pace. Since then the pain is up and down. I actually feel better if I am standing or moving around. Once I sit it seems to lose the flexibility. I have been practicing gratefulness. I don't like hurting, but I accept that for today, this is God's will for me. It is not His perfect plan, but somehow, He will use this broken vessel, this earth flawed shell for His glory. I decided to sit by the window in my bedroom this morning and count all the things I can find to be grateful. I started by looking outside at, trees, birds, sky, sounds, wind tickling the leaves (I never realized how boring trees would look without a bit of air). I looked inside and felt warm, colors, bed, bedspread, candles, books, and so on, everything I could see. Finally, I went inward. I imagined Jesus sitting with me, I imagined angels surrounding us. I thought of my friends and family. I had a little conversation with Him. He reminded me of what I read yesterday in the Bible. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33-34‬ ‭NLT‬‬ God is good. He radically loves us more than we can imagine. His love took Him to the cross so we could live eternally with Him. He willingly suffered so by His stripes we are healed. My little pain is a thimble in comparison to many others in our world today. My little pain, makes me think of those with life long, debilitating diseases, emotional pain and sorrow. It makes me want to love them all the more. Jesus loves them and asks me to love them with Him. Jesus, forgive me for my selfishness. Thy will be done. Sent from my iPad

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A year!

A year ago I posted. I changed to an Ipad and still can't find a way to add pictures! I tried today...all I see above is programming language. Boo! I need God's wisdom! I have for a year been using the Bible App. I am almost done with the entire Bible and additional devotionals. I love it. I have an online journal and can post to twitter. What can I say after a year consistent on the app? I look forward to my quiet time. I rarely skip and if I do, I am anxious to catch up. I have also written out my very lengthy prayer list. While it looks incredibly long it only takes me 4 minutes to pray over everyone. My time is more God's than a year ago. Lord, I give you ALL my time. Let me use the talents you have given me for Your Will on earth and not mine. This is my desire to serve You in each minute of my life in whatever I am doing. Your Wisdom, Your Wisdom, Your Wisdom. Amen

Thursday, April 25, 2013

When you are weary remember.....

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Dear Lord Jesus, when I take your yoke, I walk beside You. You lead me and go and do as You do. Lord, give me Your wisdom to see where You are going so I may follow You. There is such joy in surrender to You.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jesus Fasted

Matthew 4 Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. What has happened to fasting. I had done some fasting last year and then somehow "forgot" about fasting. This seems to be a lost discipline. If Our Lord practiced fasting Himself, I need to align myself to fast. Being raised Catholic, we had Friday fasts from meat. This was relaxed to only during Lent. We fasted for 3 hours before taking Communion. This was relaxed to an hour. It seems this is almost a non-entity in many churches today. I have heard of many types of fasts; the Daniel fast, the Eden fast, a liquid fast. The biggest question is why fast? Fast to seek God's face as a form of prayer on special requests. Read Daniel and Ruth. For difficult situations that with which we strggle. "this type comes out only by prayer and fasting." Finally, Jesus said when the bridegroom is taken then hus disciples would fast. Dear Lord Jesus, today I seek Your face on a special request that I need direction in my work. Lord, I want to be in the center of Your will. Give me wisdom, guidance and Your Peace.